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6th of August 2015 a father has reportedly defiled his 7 children, both male and female, apparently, not once or twice. During the same period, a teacher in Mombasa is allegedly said to have impregnated a deaf pupil and defiled two orphaned girls. The mention of these stories justifies much of the statement “Men are Beasts”. What causes persons to participate in these sickening and uncouth acts? How is the Beast dealt with?

Research has linked such behaviors to use of drugs that cause these activities to take place since one conscious of what they are doing. Sex addiction is also linked to defilement cases. Proper rehabilitation of people should be done keenly to avoid more harm to the society. The community should also be educated on how to understand one is a sex addict. This will lessen sex addicts’ threat to innocent young children who may fall prey to them.

Last but not least, myths and misconceptions in the society. Most of the beliefs are about the killer disease, HIV/ AIDS. Myths such as a man who is infected should have sex with a virgin so as to get well are totally misleading. The virgin maiden in most cases may be unwilling resulting to use of force, hence rape. Considering that the statement is apparently untrue, one more person gets infected with the virus. Let us join hands to fight and get rid of the character eating up or immediate communities. Let us destroy the beast.

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